Supercharging your HR communication with Digital Bulletin Boards 

Walk in to any break room of a manufacturer or corporation and you will likely find various pieces of information taped to the walls or tacked to a bulletin board. This hodge-podge of information highlights the attempts of companies to find the best way to communicate to their employees. Often this information is given the once-over and forgotten, ignored, or missed entirely. If the information is not viewed and/or remembered, nothing is being accomplished aside from possibly meeting posting requirements.

Developing a clear and well received communication path to reach employees has tremendous benefits. Incorporating digital signage into your communication efforts as a digital or electronic bulletin board offers a cleaner, more engaging way to reach your employees. Not only can information be more easily managed but many types of information can be included in your messaging improving the likelihood that it will be viewed and retained. Here are a few examples of what can be easily mixed with your standard employee notification memos.

  • Work Anniversaries
  • Birthday Notices
  • Employee Recognition
  • Upcoming Team Building Events
  • Local Weather
  • Sports and News
  • And More
    Adding these elements to your electronic message or bulletin board will help pull people’s eyes to the board bringing your company specific information to the forefront. With the addition of pieces that recognize anniversaries, birthdays and job efforts the digital sign will promote a feeling of community and pride in the workplace. Your company culture can be reinforced by displaying your mission statement, expectations, and other elements that associate with that culture. Digital bulletin boards offer a myriad of ways to present essential communication, while also promoting community and culture within your organization.

But it doesn’t have to stop there. You can improve the quality of the workplace by displaying pertinent safety and/or diversity training information on your digital message board. Whether utilizing self-developed content or taking advantage of pre-developed content, general content designed to improve the quality of the workplace can easily be distributed with digital signage.
Still images and videos can teach and inform employees of best practices and tips designed to improve safety and comfort in the workplace. You may even decide to include health and wellness information on your digital bulletin board to work to improve the overall quality of life for your employees. All sorts of information can be used to supercharge your communication efforts.

  • Display safety messages targeted to your company tasks
  • Outline skills that help with production
  • Promote an environment sensitive to the comfort of all your employees
  • Help improve the overall health of your staff
    If appropriate you may also want to track and display Key Performance Indicators, to make sure everyone is aware of the company progress and promote a sense of community. This can also be use in a light competitive fashion when displaying multiple department or team information side-by-side on your digital message board. Additionally, employees are more apt to stay on target if everyone is aware of their results. If implementing a digital bulletin or message board to reach your employees, what are some of the features you might look for in a digital signage provider?
    Products designed for the commercial demands of a corporate or manufacturing facility
    Software that is easy to manage and update
    Scheduling features that allow for targeted display
    Features that meet your needs, now and in the future
    Ability to automate some content including calendars, social media and such
    Easy creation of company specific content
    Reaching your employees in a dynamic, engaging format that can not only duplicate your current HR communication efforts, but also move it to the next level can be done through digital signage. By developing a well thought out digital bulletin or message board in your employee breakrooms, you can present an affective, clean professional image while building your communication efforts.