
Connect your Non-Profit

Display volunteer messages and duties, event schedules, services provided, community news, exhibit information, photographs, videos and mores. Save time and resources when communicating and present a unique experience. With features designed specifically for the non-profit sector, we provide an easy-to-use, customizable and innovative solution for connecting people.

Exhibit Message Boards

  • Display exhibit photos and videos
  • Showcase sponsors and opportunities
  • Provide way-finding and directives
  • Show upcoming events and exhibits

Communication Boards

  • Remind members/clients of the value you have on the community
  • Show important community information
  • Post photos and videos of volunteer work efforts
  • Display local information and weather

Comprehensive Information Boards

  • Highlight the services you provide
  • Post upcoming events and meetings
  • Recognize community members
  • Provide inspirational and community messages

Learn more about connecting your non-profit

Schedule demo